Aroarealis Design Firm


AroarealiS is a Design Firm with a solution-based approach and a holistic user-centered perspective. It uses sociology and activism with the goal of creating innovative and rational solutions for business, product engineering, and political design. Our design firm is rooted in “The Think Tank” model of problem assessment and works collectively to create new schema patterns of thought for social (thus cognitive) improvement.

By subject folly, Aroarealis’ unique framework has a deep history in politics, women’s lib, and multi-billion dollar industries, and is destined for success as result of it’s foundation being in line with everything society loves and wants from womanhood.

Our design philosophy for objecthood is that our products remove obstacles and exist in the task almost unconsciously as the path to accomplishing a goal. Our solutions for day-to-day life exist as improving chances of survival for ourselves, our loved ones, our pets, and our brethren. Aroarealis works to redefine problems so that they can be digested as universally understood problems thus bringing humanity together in effort make the world a better place to be, we do this through design and the creation of education platforms.

Aroarealis is at the forefront of new product development. With a bucket full of prototypes, and 8 patentable products underway, Aroarealis Design is only a mile away from the next big thing.


graphic design

‘Graphic design’, somewhat surprisingly is my business no. 1-one until Aroarealis as a firm is ignited. As the founder of not 1-one, but 4-four business enterprises, I have spent hours upon hours designing images and how to go about implementing them.


industrial design

My firm’s prerogative is to deliver ‘life-saving’ item wear to the general public, in addition to the assistance of fine tuning for mass industry to bring objects needed by the general public into their lives and regular/daily usage as fast as possible. It is part of my belief structure that when something is needed, and one notices this need, it is part of their duty as an individual to ensure the future does not go without the objects and innovations that improve their life by having this need met. It is part of my duty as a designer and inventor that my objects exist seamlessly with the cognitive doings of my marketplace, as per the common design schema of improving life through design.


To Change the Law:

  1. That a letter of apology be an included requirement with sentencing, particularly rape cases.

  2. To Change Terminology
    That the term “Sexual Assault” be changed to “Assault Involving the Genitals” or “Genital Assault”
    We want to take the ‘sex’ out of ‘assault’!

  3. Changing the phrase ‘a more perfect union’ in the American constitution to something that is not open to bigoted forms of interpretation and to give rights for States to secede.

Successful activisms

  1. Decriminalization of personal amounts of drugs
    People need to be able to ask for help without getting arrested and get their drugs checked for fentanyl

  2. Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation be taught in schools

Activism Manifesto

  1. Never call anyone stupid


Aroarealis should be called ‘Innovation Firm’! With it’s inception dating way back to 2005 there is no telling what might happen next…

  1. Plug-in protectors

  2. Pillow rails

  3. Bed Tent

  4. Brick Baby Bumper

  5. Change Table Buddy

  6. Nighttime Body Care (oil set)

  7. Panty liner (Ellestian)

  8. Face Tape

  9. Toothy

  10. Stain Lifter

  11. Better Mop (Ink Pen)

  12. Itch Lifter

  13. Spray Grime Away (dish spray)

  14. Display Hamper

  15. Rain Overcoat

  16. No Cameltoe panties

  17. Chastity belt w/ cleat plastic

  18. Nipple Stickers

  19. Finger Guard (vibrator)

  20. Airplane Survival kit

  21. Week Planner


  1. Reflective tags

  2. Decorated Art (Jacob’s ladder)

  3. Temporary Tattoos

  4. Stickers

  5. Pins

  6. Nail Foils (Sally Hansen, fab)

  7. Halloween Masks

Strange Beauty Tips

  • Brightening mask on butt

  • Hair regrowth serum on eyelashes

  • Picking oil pods

  • (Skin tape)



Upon realizing that nothing exists in isolation, Aroarealis dedicated itself to disseminating information in a way that enables history to be mass consumed. Since a broader and informed perception of history allows for a more universally accepted form of present day affairs, it is important to me to keep up with newly consumable forms of history made available by other industries (and the occasional competitor). Though #new information from my competition is rare, it is part of my mandate to discern what newness needs a battle for righteousness to flourish. Find me on twitter:

Attraction and Manifestation

  1. Visual Artist Mantras Video

  2. Activism Manstras

Future Vision

  1. Certificate of Education after reading blogs/articles

  2. TedTalk on appropriate forms of advocacy/ understanding the comments section

Product Development

  1. Remove goal obstacles (efficiency)

  2. Objects are the means, not the task.

  3. Objects are the extension of the person

  4. Objects facilitate, support, and enable user to achieve their aim and objectives

  5. Usable objects should exist unconsciously and without awareness they are using it

  6. Objects should behave as expected (the ability to predict the results of your actions)

  7. Identify wants, needs, and expectations

  8. Accommodate variations without sacrificing usability.

Visit Think Tank for more info
see Opportunities to get involved