Exclusive Article titles


This page is an exclusive look into future and possible articles for print. This page is exclusive to respect the publisher’s rights; any published topic is removed from this list and no longer visible to other publications without explicit consent from the first publishing label. I have structured my writing into subcategories, please contact me directly if you need something structurally that you don’t see here: julianne.chladny@gmail.com Thank you.

Featured Journalism Ideas (350 - 1000 words):

  • What’s difference between a workshop and a class

  • How to study history and use it properly

  • A basic workshop/class structure
    1. Reading, 2. Discussion, 3. Persona and Culture Now 4. Opinion/Perspective

  • When should the lesson be more holistic?

  • What is holism?

  • Every Class an Art Teacher wishes you had

  • Top 5: The most abstract job listings ever / The Role of the Artist

Featured Essays Topics (2,000 words):

  • Art discourse is always about the dominant vision of the piece
    Using everything from Deleuze to Wittkower’s pursuit of an architectural schema framework to outline how discourse (as a term) is not just a conversation, but a common set of ideas. (Suggestions to reference/additions to the bibliography are welcome) Please email me directly: julianneclaire@live.com

  • What Has Already Been Said
    An essay piece about why it’s important not to negate history and rather to strive to communicate ideas in a way nothing from history can be used to debate your authenticity and correctness. This article can be written in any style; not limited to essay format, it talks about why it’s important to make reference to history in journalistic papers.

  • Art as an Intervention
    Includes an argument that just thinking about art is is an intervention.

  • The Pedagogical Production of ‘Alignment’
    This sometimes poetic piece borders on subject folly pertaining to discussion of ‘the soul’ but doesn’t quite go there.

  • The Role of the Artist
    A serious inquiry (possible interview piece; not limited to essay format)

Featured Anecdotes (200 - 2,000 words):

  • Writing reviews and the pursuit of philosophical reification
    This essay-like piece of contemplation falls in line with any sort of journalistic review paper as well as criticism and theory subject folly. It’s designed to be a ‘self aligning’ type of diary entry written in a voice like poetry, yet sings a familiar tune with it’s root in academia.
    It discusses how the act of writing reviews and criticism assists with one’s own personal interest. (see essay subject on ‘Art Discourse…)

  • How can common distinctions around medium create fruitful identities? (still life)
    This is a comedy piece on ‘still life’, laughing on the inside kind of funny. Comic strip possibility or Approx 800 words.

  • My take on the relationship of vision to existence
    For all that is it, this piece could be as long as an essay, so to speed things up it’s styled somewhere between poetry and journalism.

  • A way to view history
    An independent way to lesson oneself in the mind while ‘compiling your own’ sense of epistemology.

  • How Artists think about their own work
    (200 - 2,000 words) holler! lol

  • A note on Untimely Gifts

  • Exclusion + Seclusion + Availability
    A solemn personal anecdote about the recipe for success.

  • The Architect’s Joke / Painting from a sculptor’s perspective
    A comedy and art criticism piece: “there is nothing wrong with my painting; it’s painting that’s wrong”

  • Is Insight a consequence?

Future Poems:

A book of poetry is available in late 2023 at which point I would love to share and print some poems.
Assignments can be made and promises kept. Word count for poems is available. Thank you for your interest. Please email me directly for more info: julianne.chladny@gmail.com