"Lunch Notes" The Book Has Arrived!

Lunch Notes gives you the perfect thing to say on a card, in a lunch, or on a sandwich board. Originally this book is a collection of lessons gleaned over a time of separation between mother and child. It’s everything needed to raise the person she wants her child to be; moral, socially conscious, successful, and most importantly, happy. With mantra style quality for every day of the year, these life lessons for the enlightened family are epic and easily heard over and over as reminders to live your best life with virtues and joy.

Lunch notes is designed for youth growing up. The life lessons in the book are geared to ease becoming a conscious human being in such a way that recipient stays happy, that the lessons protect the core self so that we can go into the world with kindness, respect, and ingenuity and not be affected by bullying or self doubt. Lunch Notes was written in Vancouver Canada. The author, Julianne Chladny, was hospitalized for some time so her child went to live with their grandparents in Alberta. During this time Julianne yearned to be there for her kid, she wanted so much to continue to guide them through their hardships and instil a deep happiness that would foster resilience, and so Lunch Notes began. In 2020 the first version of the book was printed, it was originally called “Love Notes” and there was 150 mantra-like phrases, Juliannes wrote out many of them onto little pieces of paper and sent them to Alberta so that everyday her child got message from her in their lunch, little mantras like “Let Love win”, “You are wonderful and everything about you is a treasure”; Julianne couldn’t love her kid more. It wasn’t until 2021 that is seemed a name change was in the works. With the practical use of the book being writing notes as a surprise in a packed lunch, and a correlation of ‘Lunch Notes’ being for over achievers in study hall and all this effort is for the child to achieve success and wellness, it became “Lunch Notes” to surmise it all.

Beginning as ‘Love Notes” holds something very special about the book, because the effort to share these life lessons are an act of love. It is wanting inner peace for someone. Wanting them to thrive and be prepared to deal with trouble and dissonance. It is a mission to let them know they are loved because we want them to be truly happy. Lunch Notes has the capacity to do that, to let someone be deeply happy and satisfied with life despite short-comings or low self esteem, it has the boost you need from the creativity of a trained artist and spiritual individual.

There are now 365 phrases in the book, one for everyday (which means you can skip a few to make sure the notes stay relevant). Lunch Notes can be used to supply your child with affirming love notes, or help your partner enjoy life, it can even be used to share meaningful quotes on social media. It’s available now for your own use and as a gift.