The 150 Eternally Damned

At times I found that perceiving negative thoughts as an entity that I can then reject as an individual seemed to aid in feelings of helplessness that something as massive as say fear could be conquered and forgotten. So I compiled a list of what I refer to as “the list of the 150 eternally damned”; they are the things we thought would never go away yet always seem to let us down. In order to reject them I simply used my left foot to imagine a safe distance then allowed a rejection process to flourish in a way that one (entity) is marked. Informed by a meditation practice I listed them by name from top to bottom. I encourage anyone reading this article to ‘eject’ them one by one, or all at once if it in you to do so. The ‘soul names’ of the eternally damned as follows (classified by it’s effort to replace Love with their own cognitive existence):

  1. Ick-You
    The devil’s mind’s eye manifested as a human-being.

  2. Disdain
    Soul mate of ‘the Mother of all Evil’ manifested as a male human-being of African dissent.
    Deems Life (Incarnate) to be arch-enemy no.1 he attacks the matriarchal connection to being alive first then abuses a soul mate connection to have people do his bidding with a bizarre connection to BDSM. He ensures the devil always has nice mom, while the rest of us get punished for no apparent reason or unnecessarily. His claim to fame amid hellions is tormenting Love’s first incarnation using her husband’s voice from 10 years into the future.

  3. Misery
    The culprit that those who are possessed routinely confuse Love with, manifested as a woman that lives life as a goth.

  4. Hatred
    Manifested as a woman that thinks snowboarding than your front teeth and ability to eat without convulsing. Immune to Puke, Incest, and Disdain; considers Love to be enemy no.1.

  5. Incest
    Manifested as male twins of african descent, it is immune to itself but that’s it so it mostly minds its own business.

  6. Infection

  7. Curiosity

  8. Date Rape

  9. Misinformation

  10. Asinine Judgment

  11. Hell-Heck

  12. Fat-Lazy-Slob

  13. Sticky-bun

  14. Old

  15. Sick-you

  16. Child-Abduction

  17. Huzz

  18. Sneak

  19. Dick-suck

  20. Hell Whole

  21. Play by Play

  22. Bitch

  23. Bobble Head

  24. Sickness

  25. Battering Ram

  26. Hate

  27. Dislike

  28. Rick-you

  29. Slimeball

  30. Ha

  31. Rape

  32. Hiss

  33. Hell

  34. I don’t Know

  35. Stinky Vagina

  36. Big Mic

  37. Genetic Torment

  38. Dishonesty

  39. Flat-line

  40. Sideways

  41. Distrust

  42. Malnutrition

  43. Waste-case

  44. Pervert

  45. Dishust

  46. Muck

  47. Hell-joy

  48. Hell-Joy

  49. Hell Slut

  50. Ignore Her

  51. Hell Fist

  52. Pertussis

  53. Ballistic

  54. Addition

  55. Neurotic Cat

  56. Torment

  57. Space Cadet

  58. Jack-Ass

  59. Jerk

  60. Dill Hole

  61. Untruth

  62. Lie

  63. Pain

  64. Dissatisfied

  65. Truck Fuck

  66. Soulmate Destroyer

  67. Text deal

  68. Fat Fuck

  69. Mobile Own

  70. Hell Fury

  71. Hell Suck

  72. Rot

  73. Child Rape

  74. Ass-in-eine Torment

  75. Envy

  76. Mind meld Hell

  77. Death Grip

  78. Worst Nightmare

  79. Whore

  80. Slut Bag

  81. Hell Tube

  82. Hell Ear

  83. Vibration Hell

  84. Lie-Two-me’s

  85. Hell’s-sick-grip

  86. Fart Knocker

  87. Might-as-well-be-Enemy-Incarnate

  88. Manhood Torment

  89. Ass Torment

  90. Hell’s Design

  91. Dick Slut

  92. Dead Meat

  93. Lice

  94. Spikey Bun

  95. Misery Maker

  96. Suicide

  97. Suckey Face

  98. Trip-Up

  99. Fuck-You

  100. Hell’s Bells

  101. Father Fucker

  102. Sick DIck

  103. Puss Cushion

  104. One-Thirty-Eight

  105. Five-er

  106. Poo Eater

  107. Evil Summoner

  108. Hack

  109. Mad Hatter

  110. Nil

  111. Warty Vagina

  112. Hell’s Gate

  113. Ass Backwards

  114. Fat Pack

  115. Child Misery

  116. Fall Through

  117. Enemy

  118. Finance Decay

  119. Book of Notation’s Demise

  120. Anti-Wing

  121. Clown

  122. Hell Hound

  123. Puppet Master
    Soul mate of ‘Dick Suck’ as it makes it physically feel like there’s a penis in the mouth and throat (but it’s actually it’s astral hand and arm after you eject it…). Manifested as a white male human being, partly hispanic. Child of Rape Face and Fecal Matter incarnates, which if you know anything about what angels and demons think about feces is really quite atrocious. Has no offspring in any conceivable way.

  124. Guilt

  125. Book of Life’s Self Destruction

  126. Book of Miserable Love

  127. Book of Bad Smells

  128. Book of Slut ways

  129. Book of Bad Flavours

  130. Book of Financial Ruin

  131. Book of Sickness

  132. Hate-you

  133. Injustice

  134. Book of Disease

  135. Evil

  136. Asinine

  137. Dissension

  138. Hell Breaks Loose

  139. Death

  140. Hell/Hate

  141. Annoying

  142. Pin Ball

  143. Stinky Butt

  144. BDSM

  145. Hell Fire

  146. Disease

  147. Dirt Bag

  148. Hate Monger

  149. Misery Machine

  150. Foul

Written and Revised by:
Chladny, Julianne C. (2019) “Book of the Eternally Damned” [title tbd] Http://