Featured Author: Raymond Chladny

Featured Author

Raymond Chladny

The solutions are here for the world to see! Witness an author that is of the highest morality and full of passion for the salvation of not just our wellness but the wellness of the future as a whole. Raymond Chladny has real solutions and a keen understanding of the problems we face as a society. His books are knowledgeable with tangible solutions and examples that are easy to read for anyone interested in true eudaimonism and affordable answers. It seems the author has dedicated their life to sharing ‘need to know’ information with anyone willing to learn and improve.

Book Titles:

…The Evolution of Religion

Extensive knowledge and understanding of the big picture makes this book a delight for everyone to see how the world works with religious influence, unifying the process for humanity.

…A Cultural Awakening

Calling upon a second invisible hand, this book about economics is mind-blowing and inspiring. All the solutions are here and it is time for world to know.


Raymond Chladny has practiced architecture for over forty-two years with the first twenty-one years in Canada, twenty years of which were based in the Northwest Territories. Arriving in Canada’s Arctic in 1981 as an active professional, the deeply embedded colonization of the indigenous people by the government was obvious and ripe for change. By flying into small Inuit and Dene communities at his own expense, Raymond began encouraging local leaders to take back control of their own villages. These efforts, along with letters of awareness to local papers, followed by government threats to be blacklisted from future work made difficult but worthy times of transformations toward freedom in partnership with the Inuit and Dene leaders.

Trusted relationships grew, and his firm developed into a multinational, working the circumpolar, including Canada, Alaska, and Baltics, Scandinavia, Siberia, and China. Experiencing many different government systems while running a business, facing the struggles of long days, and working weekends for decades, Raymond gathered a wide perspective of how different economies work or don’t work, seeing how government systems, economic systems, and societal well-being are inseparable.

Due to uncapped taxation from the Canadian government in 2001, Raymond closed his Canadian office and moved to Florida to start over again. While in Florida, Raymond met Peter Pedicini, a highly respected financial advisor to bank presidents, Florida Governor Charlie Crist, and a colleague of Allan Greenspan. Peter’s ten-year friendship and financial mentorship were transformative.

In 1997, Raymond was asked to fill a “hole” as a professor in a Toronto school of architecture for one semester. On it's completion, he was offered tenure, which he declined so to continue running his business.

Raymond has given lectures about architecture, business and ethics for government leaders and ambassadors of Finland, Soviet Union, Estonia, and Canada, as well as to the staff and students of several universities.

Always being fascinated by history and philosophy, combined with decades of diverse economic exeriences, it has spawned many insights toward a healthy, more prosperous economic world.

Raymond’s book “From Superstition to Maturity, the Evolution of Religion”, is an extensive historic and philosophical study of the world’s mainstream religions, connecting their history, teachings, bloodlines, and prophesies, indicating, through investigation, their commonality via interconnections over the course of millennia and a hope toward peace through knowledge transcending simple belief.



Stay Tuned:

Raymond has more books on the way! Stay tuned for “The White Duck”, a children’s story that is anchored in real life as well as some new research projects.

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