Editorial Enterprise
Unnoticed by me, the entire time I was in University for my Bachelors Degree, I was prophesizing my first son Linden Chladny. It was a whirl wind and at the time (to be honest) I was much more affixed to a past relationship that was experiencing a passing of family circumstances.
So I tried to be clear and I tried to be concise, but it seems that mystery and all that is fascinating about it took precedence in my creative endeavours; and no body even talked about my alluding to a child in my arms (the entire time). That said as difficult as it may be, I pursued a career in the film industry in lieu of a career in Arts Admin, which wasn’t a mistake per se as the money is/was better but it made in impossible to contrive a family scenario with the scheduling of film industry meets on-call artisan and/or stunts person (which is where I would have ended up as an extra; skateboard and firearms license in tow). I made amends with my foe of an ex-boyfriend with a few art shows, and thus became one of (if not thee most) prolific artists in the school of Art and Design. It was fun and sad as I felt that something missing. But unbeknownst to me at the time, that something missing wasn’t Mr. Daniel Oates (half named like me); it was publishing. And not just publishing, but the very act; the thought of cultural production, and truth be told as I know it to be now; I am not satisfied with merely showing art to achieve cultural production like I wanted. Nor simply selling the isolation of art works; which for some people is the ideal for the proverbial soul-state. For me, I needed print mechanisms to fulfill me (maybe the bureaucracy?). So I quit school and embarked on a journey to Europe to chase a post-love romance and I was too scared to go, I fell into a sink hole; it wasn’t drugs or booze, (or sex), it wasn’t even being a fag-hag or partying wrongly at all; it was loss of my pride and joy: it was being the Editor-in-Chief for the Woo Magazine I claimed as public property in 2004.
So I went astray for a while, fell in and out of love quickly, and time flew by, I re-enrolled in school beneath threats of various future possibilities by the men in my family, (thus insulted) and dragged myself through the last part of my degree, and it was fun. It was 1999 all over again for me in 2006, making more money than I knew what to do with, and family ever so proud of what I had made of myself (seeing that I had a lucrative, if not solid career as an Artist in the entertainment industry). Then it happened; the stock market crashed the same year I finished my degree in 2008 and long story short on this end, I ended up in the welfare system just like my brothers threatened me with. Not able to get a job to save my family; I hung my head muttering about how I finished my degree, and went on my merry way.
It was then I started publishing on my own; I had the time, some of the money, the social and intellectual resources, but I just kept bumping into Nick. So I moved out, in every way; I donned a burka, and removed myself from the fashion sense thus the cultural visual senses of the entire community, I found a new place to live, and proceeded to go about getting ‘knocked up’ just like none of the men in family threatened me with. And Mr. Linden Amos revealed himself to me in late 2009. From utero, I felt him letting me know I made the right choice, and he was born in 2010, with not one but 20 publications ready to go from me…
Chladny, Julianne Claire (2019) “Editorial Enterprise” Http://www.JCenterprises.international/blog/2019/3/25/editorial-enterprise