Now booking in Vancouver, BC Canada

julianne claire TATTOOS


When I first started tattooing it was a little over 5 years ago. As a single parent being given the gift of a tattoo kit and mentorship from one of the best travelling tattoo artists out there was like a being tossed a life saver. I love to draw, tattoo, and design. I acquired my Blood Bourne Pathogens Certificate from the Red Cross, and so far I have experience with some repair work, basic colours, and black only tattoos. Through my Bachelor’s Degree in art, I have formal training in composition, colour theory, and design.

I also have a diploma in Office Administration; I believe my office experience makes me easy to work with as I have complimented customer service.


I am a single parent with full custody which implies that I am not available full-time, rather by appointment. If you are a shop I am available 2-3 days a week, a few days a month, or daily if between 9:30 - 2:30. One possibility for an employer is something called “The Opportunities Fund” which pays an employer for the development and training of skills that lead to employment.


It is my goal to make and design tattoos that age well, I hope that translates through the work I have shown here. By making this portfolio public I am open to feedback and constructive criticism. All the art here is my design. I am willing to do just about anything to improve and establish myself as a very proficient tattoo artist, I am also personable and professional.




Practice Skins:

I am hoping to gain interviews or meet and greets.
Feel free to contact me at: julianneclaire(@) or 778-855-4024

If you are prospective client, look no further (I’m here for you!). I typically charge 100$ for tattoo design and tattoo on a sliding scale.

Thank you so much!
- Julianne Claire Chladny, BFA