How to Structure a Presentation

Answering these questions are concisely as possible will provide for the most clearly delivered briefing that can be delivered.

What is your IDEA/Product?

  • title

  • what is it made out of

  • how is it made

  • where is it found/where can I find it

  • when did you start thinking about it

  • when do I use it

What will you be talking about? (what will you use to explain?)

  • Why I should buy it

  • How I can learn from it

  • How does it makes my life better

  • Why does it exist

  • What is happening with it , or

  • Why is it important to other people

  • HOW does it relay values and/or morals?

Why and how does this idea/product matter to you?

  • What is your ideal situation for it

  • What do you think will happen should the ideal circumstances manifest?

  • What were you doing when it came to you?

  • How much money is it worth to you?

  • What do you want from talking about it?

Why and how does this idea/product matter to other people?

  • How does it save me from stress?

  • How does it improve my money situation?

  • When should it matter to me?

  • What morals and/or values does it remind me to adhere to? (Why is it important I adhere to those values?)

  • How does it improve my physical wellness?

  • How does it make feel loved?

  • How does it help me love/care for important people in my life?

Where do you draw inspiration from?

“Turn the negative into a positive picture”

  • What were you doing when you thought inspirational things were cool?

  • Who do you talk to the most about your ideas?

  • Who are you afraid of seeing your presentation? (avoid them entirely)

  • Where do you think you read the most?

  • What do you pray for?

What is your mission in life? How does this idea/product relate to your mission?

  • Do you have post-secondary education? (in what?)

  • Why do you choose this subject/industry?

  • What is the stepping stone this presentation gives to you?

  • What do you want to learn by sharing this?

  • How does this giving this presentation improve your life?


Well, that’s what I have so far. For me a lot of this seems easy because I have already been thinking about the majority of my ideas for years, so I would not be surprised to hear that it may take some people days to formulate the concise answer to just one of the bullet points. At your leisure. I once read during my research and development phases that ‘many successful businesses seem like they just popped up over night’; that’s the half truth; what we don’t see is the decades of thoughts and family history behind what they doing. Part of their success is the ability to provide their work concisely and let us all benefit from their time spent contemplating, formulating, cooking, sewing, or whatever it is (so that we don’t have to). Nothing worth sharing appears without a foundation. I hope you find this helpful. Free free to print it and write all over it. I would be happy to know what you are up to and if you got stuck somewhere, add to the comments or @ me on social media.
Kind Regards,
~ Julianne

Chladny, Julianne Claire (2019) “How to Structure a Presentation” Http://