Editorial History
It was 2004, I decided to run for Editor-in-Chief of the school magazine because that’s what I know how to do; I lead. I was always on student council, I regularly came in first place, I’m just one of those people who was born do somethings like destiny. I won. Knowing that I had an administration diploma from HCC Computer Training and Career College under my belt, I wasn’t overly concerned about how I was going to run it… until people started to quit. It seems I ruffled some tail feathers by stepping in on what the previous Editor was up to. It sent the first issue into rush; there was little to no flow of information without those people so we were now starting a full fledged local magazine from scratch with the upmost scrutiny coming at (me) about a decade before I even heard the term ‘misogyny’, which most certainly worked to my benefit because it never occurred to me that the anger incurred was a childish rendition of ‘loosing to a girl’ shame hitting us in our 20s from a world famous drugged out art-fag.
It was 2003, I was just accepted to my post-secondary institution of choice, it was the time of life! I flew through 1st year with 2.8 GPA (out 3) and made some friends I still consider friends to this day. I fell in love with a tall art-boy that had a similar way of structuring his ideas as me. I went to New York in the summer of 2004 and came back, to live with my boyfriend at the time and continue with my studies in my favourite thing to do at the time, making art.
It was 2004, I just won my prize as the proverbial school president; I controlled the student outlook now.
Chladny, Julianne Claire (2019) “Editorial History” http://JCenterprises.international/blog/2019/1/22/editorial-history