Julianne Claire's Biography on Facebook

Julianne Claire is a real-life angel, not named that way in the book; the kind of entity that has so many connections to reality it doesn't fit on their body, so they have 'wings' type of angel. In her music she talks about other people's experience being God, from her own to friends and family to people she doesn't even know. As such her stories ring a familiar truth and hold us to a fascination of the macabre, and a curiosity about what the damned are doing. Though she considers this a road to a different type of expression; she may very well be writing the Book of Hell.

With her wings at her back and the wind in her hair, Julianne (which is her real name) spends most of her time drawing, playing with her soulmate children and writing a website newsletter called "Think Happy Design Smart Get Creative"; a collection of outlets formed by 10 years of formal Art education to the University level. Happiness is life-long goal for Julianne Claire Chladny (as named at birth) but luckily, is not one of, but thee fastest cognitive entities on record and is going in for the kill.