Julianne Claire's Biography on Soundcloud

Julianne grew up singing, on stage as a tot; a first place winner with notorious vocals mixed and downloaded across the globe... Having been fully imersed in Hip Hop, Inuit, British culture from a young a age, the Art of music and dance has always been second nature for (JC). Growing up in Northern Canada gave her the chance to sharpen and hone its unique styles into a pro sensibility that would stand the test of time. From the days of raving in the early 2000s, having the pop punk scene near by, and Hip Hop ever prevelent, Julianne has turned a linglong passion of Visual Art into a profession... with #Music in hot pursuit. As they once put it, "You can't fake talent."

For Press, CV, Bio, and blog content visit [updated website coming soon, with album set for release in 2020]

[Julianne is the first female Editor-in-Cheif of the Student Publication at the Emily Carr Institute where they completed their BFA. With 10+ years of Visual Art education complete, JC became interested in music, cultural production, and sociology, leading to 4 business upstarts and 3 patent applications. JC has written 4 books with 5 more planned for children and young adults, and is currenty researching spiritual history of the astral plane for a published memoir.
Julianne is a humanitarian at heart, and a philanthropist by nature; recognizing the role of education and ergonomics in human evolution, creatively, spiritually, and intellectually]
Link Up:
FB: www.facebook.com/julianne.claire
IG: www.instagram.com/julianne.claire