5 things for Children to do on Youtube

So your child is active on Youtube… that in itself is something to think about because with all that access to the thoughts of other people comes all the life lessons learned from at least 2 generations of people on the planet available (literally) at their finger tips. So lets teach them how to do stuff like we do!

I was over joyed at how my son uses the ‘talk to text’ feature on YouTube, so if haven’t taught your son or daughter about it yet, that might be the first step. [Please brush up on modern child safety practices for the internet and screen time concessions with your local health authority; as I do put my trust in the innocence of my 5 year old, you may be dealing with a more conceptually vulnerable age, and know that I did a lot of reading about children on the internet first (for better or for worse), that said, lets get started!]

  1. Online Books
    We love these dearly, especially the ones with a nice soothing voice to go over the visual.
    See what My lil Lamb has to OFFER in way of online reading and education!

  2. Look up “How to Tie your Shoes”

  3. Look up “Why is Friday the 13th special?”

  4. Have them search “Why do some numbers start with 1-800?”

  5. Have them search “Why do birds fly?”

That’s it! a solid hour of almost free time for you do as you please while keeping your child and their device in hearing range. All of these search engine options are from my heart as what I believe to be safe investigations for children and adolescents; please tell me how it went.


Chladny, Julianne Claire (2019) “5 Things for Children to do on YouTube” Http://www.JCenterprises.international/blog/2019/3/27/5-things-for-children-to-do-on-youtube