"No Requisite of Function" Editorial Contribution

Rendered into infinity the chemical explosions of the creative process transfers quite similarly to a written equation. The intangible permutations of the unbalanced formula thrown together and thrown together again produce the forward momentum, when the only way out is through. That’s not to discredit the carefully reasoned; the importance of a developed eschatology, but then of course, in light of the chaos factor, the futility question arises. In every case, chaos only appears at the seam and mixing of elemental force, at the beginning of beginnings, ending of endings, at the forth, fifth, eighth, tenth time around stuck in traffic, with the heart stopping, the breath gasping and the blood left with no where else to go. All of it showing that the increase in volume or complexity is directly proportional to volatility. More precise estimates and measurements become necessary to compensate for the lack of stability. Dizzy in the head rather than act, rather than engage the world, men and women everywhere take to their easy chairs a tonic to incomprehensible modernity. Any experiment requires both observation and action in order to achieve a usable series of events. The questions to the answer emerges when chance and chaos become part of the equation - which is always, which is everywhere. The interest in an indeterminate reaction or formula could become the most evident motivation of pursuit, and in some cases it may overtake the goal to achieve something specific. No less essential that curiosity, but conversely of crucial importance, embracing futility in the aim to achieve unexpected events, when that desire forges chance and chaos into something specific and designed. It becomes evident that process and outcome contradict themselves completely, if one considers process the road toward completion, and compiling a series of progression proves to result in a verified conclusion, then experimentation loses the ability to maintain continuum and progression is anything other than momentary satisfaction becomes redundant. In summation, once an idea is repeated the experiment is dead; therefore why attempt to avoid a sequence designed to advance when a advancement is the goal? Sheltered by the stratosphere, in which there the most evident defining factor of expression is that there is no requisite of function, all requiems are for the living: death is the only absolute

Written by Julianne Claire Chladny for the February issue of WOO Magazine as the elected Editor-In-Chief, 2005