Artist Profile with TRUCK Contemporary Art

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Julianne Chladny has investigated paint as a medium to be used for studying line work and composition that involves the surrounding environment. The works presented are the amalgamation of years researching perspective and materiality. Like sculpture Julianne’s paintings are created with a spacial acknowledgement in mind. The 3-dimensional aspects of the works create a relationship with the viewer so that what they see is determined by where they stand.  The art transcends a flat surface to include the gallery where a person might move through the space to see the changing image in the work. The desire to witness the visual transformation guides one to physically move their position. Sometimes the standpoint to see a certain angle is marked on the floor, creating a more immersive art installation. 

Julianne has worked with paint mixed with paper pulp, plaster, wax, and layering to create the desired depth where an image may disappear or reappear while approaching the work. While breaking the boundary of art and viewer, the works are reminiscent of digital renderings as well as building textures such as the chipped plaster in tropical environments and ancient tile patterns, all signifying a love for travel, architecture, the built environment, and our relationship to it as spectators. By using freeform brushstrokes, splashes, or chipping in combination with a subject that is geometric and measured, the work signifies a harmony of structure and freedom with aspects that are both political and visual in nature. This dichotomy can also represent a relationship to politics and how perspective guides one’s opinions on any given issue. It is an ongoing fascination for Julianne to contemplate how to balance a life of rules and regulations with being free and self determinate; like the built environment and how we move within or around it.

Artwork 1 - “Line Work”

Artwork 2 - “Mirror Line”

ARTWORK 3 - “ Full Circle

Artwork 4 - “Circle Gift”

Artwork 5 - “Square Two”


Julianne Chladny is an artist, author, and entrepreneur based in Vancouver, Canada.  She holds a BFA from the Emily Carr University of Art and Design, a diploma from the Victoria School of Visual and Performing Arts, and continuing education from Harvard University, HCC College, Metro Community College, and The Red Cross.  Her ongoing art practice involves ideas around perspective. Julianne has always had a fascination with architecture: its renderings, where the physical blends with illusion, alterations by perception; the power of the viewer's standpoint.  With those passions as her guide, she has created works for television, a culture revitalization event, children's books, craft objects, and a clothing line. Her works display a confidence in form by playing with it; making it creative. Julianne has worked with artist collectives Generation WTF, Instant Coffee, Dance Awkward, and IE Cru. She has exhibition experience dating back 20 years, most recently at Center A for their art market and the EastVan Culture Crawl.

View full CV here

JC Enterprises