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NEWS: Julianne Chladny will be a featured artist for the West of Main Art Walk, May 25 & 26

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IG: @julianne.chladny

business intros:

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Roaming clothing

Safe Clothing


Roaming Clothing is as it seems, a distant clothing label focused on design for travel, cold weather, high heat survival, the love of fashion,and (you guessed it) technology.


My Lil Lamb Publishing House

Mantra Publishings


We value customer satisfaction first and foremost; so when the architect of the Telus Gardens makes reference to your university graduation display, you let us know and we’ll publish you for free ;-)


Aroarealis design firm

Saving The World


Spokesperson and CEO of Aroarealis Design Firm says “design is the love of life because it puts everything into play, into place, and seconds itself to nothing. I love design and this is my business about it.”


Julianne Claire

how I became an international sensation without the physical handshake


Ari is still alive

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